Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011

IPhone App Development Tutorial - How To Make IPhone

In this tutorial from iPhone application development that covers the basics of what you need to know and do to make your own iPhone, iPod or iPhone, including the application for sale on the App Store.


First of all, the most important step is the search market. It might be an idea for a game or application that is already in the field, but there is no need to drill deep into creating something that you really can.

The best thing to do is determine who your target audience is, what you want with your request and look at others with a similar idea that went wrong or managed.

The smooth way to do this is to scan through the App Store is the appropriate category. See what people say, download the software and try to get a good angle, and most importantly - holding forums, blogs and public websites in your niche and get an idea of ​​who will most benefit from your creations.

What you need to make an application for the iPhone

The first thing you have an iPhone, iPod or iPhone, depending on whether to develop for. You need to know the functionality of the product itself.

You'll also need an Apple computer, which is the easiest way to build a great app, but you can make an application on Windows as well.

It also recommended that you have the latest OS X operating system, to ensure that everything goes well.

The software needed to make the iPhone App

You have to use Xcode editor and cocos2d, and all that can be downloaded free from the Apple Developer with SDK (Software Development Kit). You should also use the iPhone simulator to test and adjust your application as you go through the programming process.

You will be working with Objective-C, which can be described as a cousin to C +. You may cringe at the word "Objective C", but you should not. Apple SDK is easy enough to work these days, although it certainly helps to have some experience in C programming, but at least you can learn the tricks to make the iPhone App from beginning to end, and to hire a programmer is now able to communicate with them effectively.

Design your application

Before making any real creation, it is preferable that you have all your eggs in one basket. Draw the functionality of your application, the form is loaded, it will look like, how the flow and the development of a unique style to the graphics and sound is very important if we want a success.

You can literally your vision realized by channeling cropping patterns that fit into your market in the forums. Decide what kind of music they want to hear what the graphics look good, they would react and what kind of games they would like better.

If it is an enterprise application that will develop, and then think about the convenience and keep it simple. What is the age of your audience? What is your gender? What do you spend most of his time obsessed?

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